Thursday, February 19, 2009

Gustav The Baby

My baby Gustav is getting bigger now. He is a mommy boy, looks just like his mommy and act like her. Sigh. A rascal little puppy.

He loves when I hold him in my arms, but he runs away if you want to pet him. Just like his mother. Never allow human pet them on their head. Sob sob. Really want to pet him.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Vodka Mix Anyone???


This bottle has been on my shelf for years. Nobody drinks it or even touch it. One of the most common vodka mix in my country. Never know what it tastes like.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I Bought A Hamster!!!

Today I passed a petshop with my hubby and my little boy. It's not our destination but finally we stopped there and played with the pets there. Yesterday I opened the old files on my computer and I missed all my hamsters. I used to have hundreds of fat and happy hamsters when I was a teenager. All my hamsters were very special and had their own stories. Some hamsters missed one or two legs, the others were blind, and some rejected hamsters from petshops. These rejected hamsters were the best pets in the world to me. We all have special bond and even they had a very short life, I really enjoy all the fun and happiness. Miss them all...

In the petshop I saw a glass tank where they keep about 20 hamsters. They were 3 weeks hamsters except one. She was the biggest and oldest hamster in the tank. Hamster tend to attack other hamster which not belong in one group, especially older hamster. That's way I saw this hamster attack all the younger ones. Since I miss my hamster so much, I can't help myself to take this hamster home. And I bought her... Hehe.

She is an adorable female hamster. Very sweet and gentle. Even my 2 year old boy can bring her on his palm. This is the first time my boy can hold a hamster. I have a syrian, but it's too big for his hand and my syrian is a lil bit coward. He's scared to anything. Sigh. But not this little girl, Teru. Teru loves human friend! And it makes her very special...

Angel of Harmony

Few years ago I got a special gift from my friend who lives in Australia. It's a great collectible figure of an angel by Susan Lordi. You can see all her works at her willow tree website. I love the detail of this figure, with the unfinished and simple look. Seems like a perfect gift for me. I took some photos of my willow tree angel. Here it is.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Fake Candles

I love candle light and I always have a bunch of candle-holders laying around my house. After so many years being crazy about the tealite candle, now I'm trying something new. Fake candles! Looks like a tealite candle but use some batteries to lit the candle. Much safer since I have a baby who start to like candle light too.

Lit them in a frosted glass and you cannot tell if it's fake. The candles use led energy-saving light source dan it flicker just like a normal candle.

This is the light shape

This is one of the technology advantage that we can enjoy these days. I can't wait to use them in my bathroom, with a nice warm bubble bath and all the aromatheraphy. Must be a spectacular bath session for me...

Important Things

My hubby doesn't eat veggies. Uuuugh I hate that, since I'm a veggie-lover. Hehe. For his fibre needs he drinks some hi-fibre beverages. It's made from wheatgrass I think (or at least it is written on the packaging) and it's sweet. Anyone know about this product?

Another hubby's thing. Mosquito killer... It has funny frog face (which is a mosquito eater)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Chic Toys

Since I have a 2 year old boy I start to collect some toys for him. Somehow it's kinda fun for me too to play with some toys. These are some cute collection from my son's toybox. 

This idea of this wooden toy is to make different kind of wood doll from some shapes. Very cute....

And fancy train set to learn alphabet. A fun way to learn ABC... But I think it's more fun for me than for him.

Now the most fun toy of all. Ahahaha. Frogs that can jump! You press the back part of his body and it will jump forward (or backward sometimes. ahahaha). 

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Going Vintage

This matches box is one of vintage printing that survive in Indonesia. I know there are some other vintage printing but this matches box is the most common item we meet. I've known this design since I was a kid and seems it's just never change.

Story of the Things

Some stuffs are really made my day. These are small things that I really love to use as soon as possible. The beautiful dinner-set that match to the colour of my house, a cute candle holder my hubby bought for me because he knows how much I love candle, an old dark brown candle holder where you can put 4 candles at once, the cutest cow painting I've ever seen from Rob Scotton and one special incense tower from my mom!

This one is an old stuff I always bring along. I forget where i bought this but this candle holder has an earthy smell. I don't know why it has wet soil smell but I just love it.

Finally the cow pictures arrived (I ordered them from a website and got them framed as soon as they arrived. Love the result. Hope I can find a good spot to hang them on...

Another unique stuff in my collection. My mom sent this with all the cow pictures. This is incense tower. It made from wood and the idea is just to put some burned incense inside and close the tower. The smell is incredible. I use sandalwood sticks, burn them and enjoy it. It makes my room smells like old woods and I feel like I'm in a really old place hundreds years ago.

Next thing is artificial cow skin. I love the motif of cow skin but I against real fur material. So artificial is the best thing for me. This one is not the good fake cow skin but I'm quite happy because I bought this with bargain price.

A pair of noodle bowl. My hubby is a fan of noodle and he bought a beautiful bowl for his 'hobby'. Since I love to collect all the cute things I asked him to buy another piece for me. Hehe. Now I have a pair of this noodle bowl...

Monday, February 9, 2009

New Stuff, Old Stuff and Re-paint

Masih inget ranjang Art Nouveau yang saya cerita sebelumnya? Akhirnya ranjang itu sampai ke rumah dan benar-benar membuat cerah suasana di kamar. Walaupun saya bukan penggemar 'curly things' tapi untuk kali ini saya membuat pengecualian. Alasannya sederhana, saya bosan dengan semua gaya kotak-kotak minimalis yang sekarang ada di seluruh pelosok negeri sepertinya. Tentu saja saya ingin rumah saya bukan menjadi sama seperti bangunan lain sehingga kalau saya pergi atau pulang ke rumah rasanya akan sama saja. Saya ingin merasa 'pulang' ke rumah dengan perasaan yang jauh berbeda. Oleh karena itu saya berusaha memilih barang-barang yang berbeda dengan apa yang sedang menjamur di lingkungan saya.

Sayangnya ranjang ini hanya akan menjadi pajangan dalam beberapa bulan ke depan. Karena berbagai kesalahan teknis, rumah saya terpaksa dicat ulang dan ini cukup memakan waktu. Selain itu pengerjaan interior lainnya juga butuh waktu yang cukup panjang. Harus terus bersabar untuk melihat hasilnya... Tapi jika melihat hal-hal kecil yang mulai terkumpul selama menunggu, kadang membangkitkan semangat lagi.Untuk membunuh waktu, saya mulai mengerjakan  'house warming project' yang  tertunda karena semangat saya sempat turun karena berbagai masalah yang terjadi selama pembangunan rumah ini. Tapi karena itu juga saya jadi  sempat memikirkan hal-hal lain untuk mengalihkan perhatian dari kekecewaan dan kekesalan saya.  Ini adalah salah satu bagian dari 'house warming project' yang tertunda. Jelek? Maklum buatan tangan yang pas-pasan dengan  'bantuan' yang tidak diminta dari anak berusia 2 tahun.