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Stir Fried Veggies
Black Pepper Grilled Prawns
The classic style of Louis Chair and cute desk by Pottery Barn (click here for the collection) and a modern look glass wardrobe. All in brown - blue shade (Currently I'm crazy with this colour combination).
Here is the real pic of the desk by Pottery Barn
I love the detail from the chair. It's in a rustic look...
And... the fabric is fabulous. It has a shabby soft feeling, not as glamour as the same type of chair I saw, but still has an elegance aura.
With different textures on it, the brown part is softer than the blue part. It feels 3D. lol. The brown part also a bit thicker than the blue.
It's rose colour for the front side.
(I got a lot of credits for choosing this red rose colour. Hehe)
I have medium shade brown for the first floor
(No good photos for this area now)
I change Carlson's bedroom colour. Now it's in a Grayish Blue mood.
And Olive Green for the stairway area
And I love green in my bathroom :D
My baby Gustav is getting bigger now. He is a mommy boy, looks just like his mommy and act like her. Sigh. A rascal little puppy.
He loves when I hold him in my arms, but he runs away if you want to pet him. Just like his mother. Never allow human pet them on their head. Sob sob. Really want to pet him.
This bottle has been on my shelf for years. Nobody drinks it or even touch it. One of the most common vodka mix in my country. Never know what it tastes like.
In the petshop I saw a glass tank where they keep about 20 hamsters. They were 3 weeks hamsters except one. She was the biggest and oldest hamster in the tank. Hamster tend to attack other hamster which not belong in one group, especially older hamster. That's way I saw this hamster attack all the younger ones. Since I miss my hamster so much, I can't help myself to take this hamster home. And I bought her... Hehe.
She is an adorable female hamster. Very sweet and gentle. Even my 2 year old boy can bring her on his palm. This is the first time my boy can hold a hamster. I have a syrian, but it's too big for his hand and my syrian is a lil bit coward. He's scared to anything. Sigh. But not this little girl, Teru. Teru loves human friend! And it makes her very special...